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KEGS December 2021 Bulletin

1 Dec 2021 2:21 PM | Anonymous member
Welcome to December! Join us for KEGS Dec Talk, KEGS Annual Holiday Social and much more.
KEGS December talk

Please register for our December talk from link above.

Date:  Tuesday December 7th at 4:00 PM EST

Title More EM myths and Old-fashioned Methods.

SpeakerGreg Hodges, Senior Geophysicist at Sander Geophysics.


AbstractThere are a few myths about EM held by many people that deserve study. Some of them are a result of limited experience with either time or frequency domain EM, or limited experience with multiple geological environments. Other misconceptions come from thinking that the two different mathematical models, time domain and frequency-domain, make things happen differently in the earth. Don’t ever think that the model defines the earth – it only attempts to imitate it.

Are time domain EM and frequency domain EM the same thing, or different? The answer is: “Yes”. The earth is not frequency domain. The arrow of time is not oscillatory. But it is important to recognize that what you will see from the earth depends on how you look at it. The nature of the response depends on how you energize the earth and how you measure the response.

Debunking other myths: Current rings propagate downward with time, but that doesn’t always mean that depth correlates to time of the response. Calculating new parameters from the same data is not adding new information. B-field from a coil is not really B-field. In-phase is real, but on-time is not in-phase. Bandwidth is about more than electronics. FDEM has IP effects. Levelling EM data damages the EM data quality.
Sometimes a pencil and paper (and your brain) can do a better job of modeling than the best computer.


Biography:  Greg Hodges is a Senior Geophysicist at Sander Geophysics.  Since 1980 his career has included most types of mineral exploration geophysics, with a strong concentration on electromagnetic methods.   His career experience has been relatively equally divided between time-domain and frequency-domain EM, and between airborne and ground (including borehole). He's worked as a ground geophysical contractor, in junior and major mining companies, and (for the last 26 years) for airborne geophysical survey companies in R&D and applications development.  Along the way he's had the good fortune to do development work with some of the leading practical experts in both time- and frequency-domain EM.

Mark your calendar for KEGS future talks and events!

KEGS is pleased to announce a list of confirmed talks and events going forward:
December 9 - KEGS Annual Holiday Social on Thursday December 9th 2021, at 5-8 pm. More info here

KEGS is currently looking for potential speakers for 2022, if you are willing to speak at one of KEGS monthly talks, please contact.

Find out about more geo scientific events in GTA Geoscience calendar 

KEGS extends condolences on the passing of Bob Middleton

KEGS Executives extent their condolences to all his family members, friends and colleagues of Bob Middleton, a legendary mineral explorationist in Ontario and geophysicist by profession. An endowed chair at Lakehead University is being set up in Bob’s name.

Please find his Obituary here

The PDAC 2022 Symposium is planned for Saturday March 5th 2022.

In person Symposium is planned for Saturday March 5. Virtual participation will be available for those who cannot travel to the PDAC due to international travel restrictions. 


KEGS is soliciting abstract submissions on the following topics:
Integrated Case Histories
Artificial Intelligence in Geophysics
New Developments (processing, techniques and equipment)
Near Surface
Under cover
Borehole Geophysics

Abstract Submissions 
Short abstracts (400 words) are due Friday, December 3rd, 2021.  Please click here to submit your abstract, with "KEGS 2022 Symposium Abstract" in the subject line.

MTNet webinars on EM: 

EMinars: A series of webinars on EM Induction in the Earth in the broadest sense, from theory to acquisition to time series processing to analysis to modelling and inversion to interpretation

You can see the line-up on the MTNet EMinars web page here

Modular course on Exploration Geophysics

Every second December, The Mineral Exploration Research Centre at Laurentian University presents a modular course on Exploration Geophysics. This year the course will be held December 8-17 in the Executive Learning Centre, room FA-386 of the Fraser building on Laurentian’s Sudbury campus.  The course can be taken by graduate students for credit towards their degree programs, or by professionals, in which case it can be counted towards the hours required for continuing education by professional registration organizations like the PGO.  This year, professionals can sign up at a reduced rate if they participate in the lectures remotely and on-line. 

The course is intended for geologists and geophysicists and will cover all aspects of geophysical methods: theory, instrumentation, acquisition, processing, display and interpretation.  The methods covered and the case histories presented will be focused on mineral exploration. 

More details about the course and links to a brochure and a registration form can be found here

Women Geoscientists in Canada - Wednesday December 8.

When: Wednesday December 8, 2021, 10 am Pacific/1 pm Eastern
Title: Active Allyship & Finding Your Voice
Speaker: Chrissy Benz

Register here

KEGS Foundation Update

The full KEGS Foundation Update can be found hereUpdate includes:
  • Presentation of Scholarship Awards
  • Bourse Québécoise : Inaugural Award to Adrien Dimech
  • Seeking Donations
Additional details can be on the Foundation’s website www.kegsfoundation.or

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