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  • 8 Feb 2022 4:22 PM | Anonymous member

    We are pleased to announce the following rates this year:

    Member - $100.00 (CAD)

    Non-member - $150.00 (CAD)

    Student - $25.00 (CAD)

    KEGS 2022 Virtual Symposium will comprise four sessions:

    Session 1: Magnetic Applications and Processing: March 22, 2022 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM (EDT)

    Session 2: New Techniques and Seismic: March 24, 2022 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM (EDT)

    Session 3: Best of EAGE Bordeaux 2021: March 29, 2022 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM (EDT)

    Session 4: Electromagnetic Applications and Processing: March 31, 2022 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM (EDT)

    More information regarding the symposium and the posted program are found here

    Registration is open via KEGS website. Registrants will have access to all 4 sessions and a GoToWebinar link will be sent to registrants before each session to join the online symposium.

    Similar to last year, the symposium will include two on-demand video sections: “Student Showcase” and “Industry, Government & Research Center Updates” Both will feature 5 minute/10 slide pre-recorded videos that may be accessed at anytime.

    The Student Showcase will serve as an opportunity for post-secondary students to present their thesis work to the geophysical community. It is open to all students studying or making use of geophysical techniques in their field of study.

    The Industry, Government & Research Center Updates will showcase topics that range from short case studies, new R&D initiatives, and overviews of companies’ services.

    Student and Industry showcase abstracts are open for submission till March 12.

  • 27 Jan 2022 11:24 AM | Anonymous member

    Dear KEGS Community,

    It is with deep sadness that we inform you about the passing Edward B. Morrison. Founder and President of Geotech Ltd.

    Ed passed on Saturday January 22, 2022.Our hearts go out to Ed’s family at this difficult time. Please keep them in your thoughts.

    Ed’s funeral will be held on Friday, January 28th at Taylor Funeral home, Newmarket. Public visitation will start at. 11:30am .

    More information regarding the visitation and funeral for Ed Morrison please click here

    Visitation, only 40 people per session, book in advance. Same holds for the funeral service.

  • 6 Dec 2021 9:25 AM | Anonymous member
    The KEGS PDAC 2022 Symposium call for abstracts extends to Dec17th @ 12pm EST.

    In-person Symposium is planned for Saturday March 5,2022. Virtual participation options will be available for those who cannot travel to the PDAC due to international travel restrictions. 

    • KEGS is soliciting abstract submissions on the following topics:
    • Integrated Case Histories
    • Artificial Intelligence in Geophysics
    • New Developments (processing, techniques and equipment)
    • Environmental
    • Near Surface
    • Under cover
    • Borehole Geophysics
    Abstract Submissions 
    Short abstracts (400 words) are due Friday, December 17, 2021 at 12pm EST.  Please click here to submit your abstract, with "KEGS 2022 Symposium Abstract" in the subject line.

    Mark your calendar for KEGS future talks and events!

    KEGS is pleased to announce a list of confirmed talks and events going forward:
    KEGS Annual Holiday Social on Thursday December 9th 2021, at 5-8 pmMore info here

    Don't forget to register for our Holiday Social happening next Thursday (December 9th) at the Duke of York! Come catch up with peers, enjoy some drinks, and get into the holiday spirit! We hope to see you there.
    • $35.00 CAD for Members
    • $40.00 CAD for Non-members
    • $15.00 CAD for Students

    January KEGS Presentation by Francisca Maepa, PhD, G.I.T - Data Science Geologist at SRK Consulting on January 11, 2021

    Registration link to the January talk will be made available in the coming days. Please note that KEGS is currently looking for potential speakers for 2022, if you are willing to speak at one of KEGS monthly talks, please contact. Find out about more geo scientific events in GTA Geoscience calendar here

    Membership renewal reminder!

    Please log onto your account on to renew your membership for 2022. Once logged in, please select the icon on the top right, and browse to your user profile. On your profile, you will see a link to Renew to 1 Jan 2023. While you are on the page, please select Edit to fill out your profile information to help keep our database up to date. Your KEGS membership allows you to obtain reduced pricing for KEGS events such as the KEGS symposium and holiday events. Being a member also means you have unlimited access to past KEGS talks from the KEGS Members Area on We sincerely thank you for continuing to support KEGS through a difficult year, and appreciate your membership. If you have any questions about how to renew your membership, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • 1 Dec 2021 2:21 PM | Anonymous member
    Welcome to December! Join us for KEGS Dec Talk, KEGS Annual Holiday Social and much more.
    KEGS December talk

    Please register for our December talk from link above.

    Date:  Tuesday December 7th at 4:00 PM EST

    Title More EM myths and Old-fashioned Methods.

    SpeakerGreg Hodges, Senior Geophysicist at Sander Geophysics.


    AbstractThere are a few myths about EM held by many people that deserve study. Some of them are a result of limited experience with either time or frequency domain EM, or limited experience with multiple geological environments. Other misconceptions come from thinking that the two different mathematical models, time domain and frequency-domain, make things happen differently in the earth. Don’t ever think that the model defines the earth – it only attempts to imitate it.

    Are time domain EM and frequency domain EM the same thing, or different? The answer is: “Yes”. The earth is not frequency domain. The arrow of time is not oscillatory. But it is important to recognize that what you will see from the earth depends on how you look at it. The nature of the response depends on how you energize the earth and how you measure the response.

    Debunking other myths: Current rings propagate downward with time, but that doesn’t always mean that depth correlates to time of the response. Calculating new parameters from the same data is not adding new information. B-field from a coil is not really B-field. In-phase is real, but on-time is not in-phase. Bandwidth is about more than electronics. FDEM has IP effects. Levelling EM data damages the EM data quality.
    Sometimes a pencil and paper (and your brain) can do a better job of modeling than the best computer.


    Biography:  Greg Hodges is a Senior Geophysicist at Sander Geophysics.  Since 1980 his career has included most types of mineral exploration geophysics, with a strong concentration on electromagnetic methods.   His career experience has been relatively equally divided between time-domain and frequency-domain EM, and between airborne and ground (including borehole). He's worked as a ground geophysical contractor, in junior and major mining companies, and (for the last 26 years) for airborne geophysical survey companies in R&D and applications development.  Along the way he's had the good fortune to do development work with some of the leading practical experts in both time- and frequency-domain EM.

    Mark your calendar for KEGS future talks and events!

    KEGS is pleased to announce a list of confirmed talks and events going forward:
    December 9 - KEGS Annual Holiday Social on Thursday December 9th 2021, at 5-8 pm. More info here

    KEGS is currently looking for potential speakers for 2022, if you are willing to speak at one of KEGS monthly talks, please contact.

    Find out about more geo scientific events in GTA Geoscience calendar 

    KEGS extends condolences on the passing of Bob Middleton

    KEGS Executives extent their condolences to all his family members, friends and colleagues of Bob Middleton, a legendary mineral explorationist in Ontario and geophysicist by profession. An endowed chair at Lakehead University is being set up in Bob’s name.

    Please find his Obituary here

    The PDAC 2022 Symposium is planned for Saturday March 5th 2022.

    In person Symposium is planned for Saturday March 5. Virtual participation will be available for those who cannot travel to the PDAC due to international travel restrictions. 


    KEGS is soliciting abstract submissions on the following topics:
    Integrated Case Histories
    Artificial Intelligence in Geophysics
    New Developments (processing, techniques and equipment)
    Near Surface
    Under cover
    Borehole Geophysics

    Abstract Submissions 
    Short abstracts (400 words) are due Friday, December 3rd, 2021.  Please click here to submit your abstract, with "KEGS 2022 Symposium Abstract" in the subject line.

    MTNet webinars on EM: 

    EMinars: A series of webinars on EM Induction in the Earth in the broadest sense, from theory to acquisition to time series processing to analysis to modelling and inversion to interpretation

    You can see the line-up on the MTNet EMinars web page here

    Modular course on Exploration Geophysics

    Every second December, The Mineral Exploration Research Centre at Laurentian University presents a modular course on Exploration Geophysics. This year the course will be held December 8-17 in the Executive Learning Centre, room FA-386 of the Fraser building on Laurentian’s Sudbury campus.  The course can be taken by graduate students for credit towards their degree programs, or by professionals, in which case it can be counted towards the hours required for continuing education by professional registration organizations like the PGO.  This year, professionals can sign up at a reduced rate if they participate in the lectures remotely and on-line. 

    The course is intended for geologists and geophysicists and will cover all aspects of geophysical methods: theory, instrumentation, acquisition, processing, display and interpretation.  The methods covered and the case histories presented will be focused on mineral exploration. 

    More details about the course and links to a brochure and a registration form can be found here

    Women Geoscientists in Canada - Wednesday December 8.

    When: Wednesday December 8, 2021, 10 am Pacific/1 pm Eastern
    Title: Active Allyship & Finding Your Voice
    Speaker: Chrissy Benz

    Register here

    KEGS Foundation Update

    The full KEGS Foundation Update can be found hereUpdate includes:
    • Presentation of Scholarship Awards
    • Bourse Québécoise : Inaugural Award to Adrien Dimech
    • Seeking Donations
    Additional details can be on the Foundation’s website www.kegsfoundation.or

  • 29 Nov 2021 10:17 AM | Anonymous member

    Please join us for the in person KEGS Annual Holiday Social on Thursday December 9th 2021, at 5-8 pm EST.

    Where: The Duke of York Pub, 39 Prince Arthur Ave, Toronto, ON M5R 1B2


    $15.00 CAD for Students

    $35.00 CAD for Members

    $40.00 CAD for Non-members

    The ticket will include hors d'oeuvres and one beverage.

    Note: Proof of valid COVID-19 Vaccination Required. Due to Covid-restrictions, space is limited. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

    Register here

  • 22 Nov 2021 12:14 PM | Anonymous member

    It is with great sadness and sorrow to announce that Bob Middleton, a legendary mineral explorationist in Ontario and geophysicist by profession, has passed away. KEGS Executives extent their condolences to all his family members, friends and colleagues.

    Bob's funeral is scheduled for Thursday, November 25 at 11am at Sargent & Son in Thunder Bay, ON. A lunch will follow the service at the funeral home.

    Sargent & Son requires that attendees have received both doses of a Covid-19 vaccine and that at least 14 days have passed since their second dose. Identification is also required.

    A virtual viewing of the service will be available on the Sargent & Son Facebook page as well as on Google (please search for Sargent & Son Funeral Home).


    Sargent & Son

    21 North Court StreetThunder Bay, ON, CanadaP7A 4T4

    For more information on an obituary please check Website and Facebook

  • 19 Nov 2021 11:26 AM | Anonymous member

    Please submit your short abstracts for the KEGS PDAC 2022 Symposium by Friday, December 3rd, 2021. Virtual participation will be available for those who cannot travel to the PDAC due to international travel restrictions. 


    At this time, KEGS is soliciting abstract submissions on the following topics:

    Integrated Case Histories

    Artificial Intelligence in Geophysics

    New Developments (processing, techniques and equipment)


    Near Surface

    Under cover

    Borehole Geophysics

    Abstract Submissions 

    Short abstracts (400 words) are due Friday, December 3rd, 2021.  Please submit your abstract to, with "KEGS 2022 Symposium Abstract" in the subject line.

    Thank you for your submission.

  • 2 Nov 2021 3:31 PM | Anonymous member
    KEGS November 2021 Bulletin
    Welcome to November! Join us for KEGS Nov. Talk, KEGS PDAC Symposium 2022 call for abstracts and much more.
    KEGS November talk

    Please register for our November talk from link above.

    Date:  Tuesday November 9th at 4:00 PM EST

    Title Deep Learning as an alternative to downward continuation filters for structural interpretation

    SpeakerJean-Philippe Paiement, P.Geo., M.Sc. – Director, Global Consulting - Mira Geoscience


    AbstractOftentimes when working with regional magnetic surveys from multiple sources, we encounter resolution continuity issues, which makes 2D interpretation more challenging. The loss in resolution of anomalies borders and lack of texture in the gridded data, can cause issues to the interpreter. This talk sets the basis of using currently available deep learning architecture to train a model for special resolution enhancement. 
    Recent advancement in image processing and deep learning have led to the development of neural networks capable of increasing images resolution using and adversarial learning strategy (Wang, X et al., 2018). In this deep learning model, available high-resolution grids with their low-resolution counter parts are used to train an encoder-decoder network to reconstruct the high-resolution from their starting point. Once the network is sufficiently trained it is then possible to apply it to upscale low-resolution images without existing ground truth high resolution counter part. This approach uses Generative Adversarial Networks or GAN’s, a relatively new class of machine learning frameworks designed in 2014 (Goodfellow, I. et al). A generator network is used to construct images that are then passed through a discriminator network which tries to discriminate between real images and fake images produced by the generator. Given a training set, this technique learns to generate higher resolution data with the same statistics as the training set. 
    Once the general model is trained on high-resolution/low-resolution pairs, it is possible to refine it to the area of interest and use it to upscale low resolution survey patches. This will help in refining anomaly edges and increase the accuracy of the structural interpretation conducted by the geologist. This approach is proposed as an alternative to the commonly used downward continuation filters used in the industry. 


    Biography:  Jean-Philippe Paiement is the Director of Global Consulting at Mira Geoscience Ltd. He brings 15 years of mineral exploration experience to the table, including expertise in geostatistics applied to structural, geological, and geochemical modelling and interpretation; specializing in non-linear interpolation and simulation. Jean-Philippe has developed multiple workflow and novel approaches to reduce interpretational risks of geological data. Jean-Philippe has a wide range of experience in mineral resource estimation for precious metals, base metals and industrial minerals across diverse geological environments around the world. In 2016, Jean-Philippe has pioneered the application of Machine Learning to the mineral exploration industry in winning the Integra GoldRush challenge by application of machine learning to mineral deposit targeting. He is skilled in the application of machine learning to overcome geological and geophysical challenges; by combining geological knowledge and both supervised learning and deep learning. Before joining Mira Geoscience, he obtained an MSc from Laval University. Jean-Philippe is based in Quebec-City.
    Québec, Canada

    Mark your calendar for KEGS future talks!
    KEGS is pleased to announce a list of confirmed talks going forward:

    December 7 Greg Hodges Sanders geophysics. Title "More EM myths and Old-fashioned Methods"

    Find out about more geo scientific events in GTA Geoscience calendar here

    KEGS is pleased to announce that the PDAC 2022 Symposium is planned for Saturday March 5th 2022.

    The format of the KEGS PDAC 2022 symposium will be announced within the next two weeks. Virtual participation will be available for those who cannot travel to the PDAC due to international travel restrictions. 

    KEGS is soliciting abstract submissions on the following topics:
    Integrated Case Histories
    Artificial Intelligence in Geophysics
    New Developments (processing, techniques and equipment)
    Near Surface
    Under cover
    Borehole Geophysics

    Abstract Submissions 
    Short abstracts (400 words) are due Friday, December 3rd, 2021. Please to submit your abstract to, with "KEGS 2022 Symposium Abstract" in the subject line.

    Minden Symposium 2021, Nov 8-11- Cutting Carbon in Canada

    The theme of this year's Beatrice and Arthur Minden Symposium is Cutting Carbon in Canada (3C). Nov 8-11 for a multidisciplinary series of events on science, policy, social justice, and system change. The symposium will feature keynote talks, panel discussions, and interactive workshops addressing the challenge of getting to zero carbon emissions. More info here

    MTNet webinars on EM: 

     EMinars: A series of webinars on EM Induction in the Earth in the broadest sense, from theory to acquisition to time series processing to analysis to modelling and inversion to interpretation

    You can see the line-up on the MTNet EMinars web page here

    University of Toronto Geophysics Seminar November 2nd, 4:10 -5 pm 

    The Geophysics Seminar series for 2021-2022 is officially starting on Nov. 2nd with an exciting list of speakers (see below for more information).
    The first talk will be given by Dr. Seogi Kang from Stanford University on Nov. 2nd
    Title: Advancing Remote Sensing Techniques for Groundwater Science and Management

    Date/Time: Nov, 2th 2021, 4-5 pm
    Speaker: Seogi Kang 
    Affiliations: Stanford University
    Zoom Link:
    Meeting ID: 860 4841 3294
    Passcode: geophysics

    For more details on the geophysics seminars click here

    Modular course on Exploration Geophysics

    Every second December, The Mineral Exploration Research Centre at Laurentian University presents a modular course on Exploration Geophysics. This year the course will be held December 8-17 in the Executive Learning Centre, room FA-386 of the Fraser building on Laurentian’s Sudbury campus.  The course can be taken by graduate students for credit towards their degree programs, or by professionals, in which case it can be counted towards the hours required for continuing education by professional registration organizations like the PGO.  This year, professionals can sign up at a reduced rate if they participate in the lectures remotely and on-line. 

    The course is intended for geologists and geophysicists and will cover all aspects of geophysical methods: theory, instrumentation, acquisition, processing, display and interpretation.  The methods covered and the case histories presented will be focused on mineral exploration. 

    More details about the course and links to a brochure and a registration form can be found here

    Looking for a job? Don't miss this job post!

    Sander Geophysics (SGL) has permanent, full-time positions of Geophysicist/Data Analyst open. The position is most suitable for recently graduated or early career applicants. We would expect extensive international travel from the successful candidates. See the careers section of the SGL website,,  for more information. If interested and qualified, please send a resume to Be sure to include the job title in the subject line of the email.  We look forward to a gaggle of energetic, enthusiastic new employees to join our current staff of energetic, enthusiastic geophysicists!

    Women Geoscientists in Canada - Fall Summit, Friday November 19, 2021: Why I do this!

    Bringing together people and ideas for the love of geoscience Friday November 19, 2021
    ​1 pm to 430 pm Eastern, 10 am to 130 pm Pacific

    Register here

    QUEBEC SHOW – NOVEMBER 22-25, 2021 

    The Quebec show 2021 will again be virtual, no in person KEGS breakfast. More info to be announced.

    Nominations for a new KEGS executive member is open now! 

    KEGS executives are excited to announce that they are looking for a new executive member to join the team. Please nominate yourself or if you know of anyone who is willing to volunteer some of their time to KEGS, please nominate them by sending an email to: 

    Announcement Presentation of Inaugural Award Bourse des pionniers de la géophysique québécoise to Adrien Dimech, Ph.D. Candidate, UQAT KEGS-Québec 5-à-7 Event (KEGS-Quebec Virtual Cinq-à-Sept Get-Together and KEGS Foundation Scholarship Awards)

    To be held on the ZOOM on-line platform on Friday 26 November, from 5-7 PM. Virtual Cinq-à-Sept  will feature talks by Marc Boivin, at MB Geosolutions, and Adrien Dimech, UQAT, the Inaugural KF “Bourse des Pionniers de la Géophysique Québecoise” scholarship winner, and will include virtual presentations to the 2021 KEGS Foundation student scholarship winners from the province of Quebec.  An informal chat amongst fellow geophysicists will follow the meeting.

    French announcement:
    KEGS-Québec :  Réunion Virtuelle 5-à-7 Géophysique et Remise des Bourses de la Fondation KEGS
    Date : 26-novembre, 2021 de 17h à 19h.

    Cher(e)s collègues et ami(e)s géophysiciens et géophysiciennes québécois(es) et franco-canadien(ne)s,
    L'année 2021 a été une autre année très différente pour nous tous, mais heureusement les choses reviennent petit-à-petit à la normale.

    À défaut de se rencontrer encore une fois cette année au déjeuner du KEGS-Québec ou dans le cadre d'un autre congrès, nous vous invitons à vous joindre à nouveau à un 6@7 Virtuel Géophysique.

    En même temps, nous ferons la remise des Bourses de la Fondation KEGS aux récipiendaires universitaires québécois pour l’année 2021.

    Ce sera une belle occasion de se voir le moment de conférences, de célébrer la future relève étudiante et de faire une petite santé de fin d'année, tous ensembles.  

    Cette année nous avons deux conférenciers : Pour débuter, M. Adrien Dimech, candidat au doctorat de l’UQAT, et le récipiendaire inaugural de la Bourse des Pionniers de la Géophysique Québécoise, nous fera une courte présentation sur sa recherche doctorale.

    Ensuite, notre conférencier principal sera M. Marc Boivin qui nous présentera sa conférence intitulée : « L’aimantation rémanente en exploration minérale».  

     Marc Boivin MB Géosolutions
     L’aimantation rémanente en exploration minérale

    Sommaire :
    Le phénomène de l’aimantation rémanente est connu depuis très longtemps, mais a souvent été considéré comme marginal du point de vus de l’exploration minière. Cependant, plusieurs gisements métallifères sont directement associés à réponses d’aimantation rémanente.Des liens directs peuvent être faits entre l’aimantation rémanente la mise en place de certains types de gisement métallifère et pourraient même servir d’outil en exploration minière. Cette présentation fait un survol rapide de ce concept à partir de réflexions personnelles et d’exemples..

    Biographie :
    L’auteur, M. Marc Boivin est géophysicien consultant avec MB Géosolutions depuis 2006. Il a travaillé comme chef géophysicien pour SOQUEM entre 1993 et 2006, géophysicien d’exploration pour WMC entre 1990 et 1993 et géophysicien de terrain pour Sagax Géophysique entre 1985 et 1990.M. Boivin a étudié aux études supérieures à l’École Polytechnique de Montréal en géophysique entre 1984 et 1985, après avoir complété un B.Sc. en géologie à UQAM en 1983. Il est membre de l’OGQ, PGO et APEGNB.

    Par la suite, comme l’année passée, nous espérons que vous pourrez rester en-ligne pour une réunion (virtuelle) entre amis(es).
    Joignez-vous à nous le 26 novembre prochain de 17h à 19h  ET. Le lien ci-dessous vous mènera vers la visio-conférence (ajoutez le à vos calendriers):

    Zoom Meeting
    Meeting ID: 698 5204 0385

    Passcode: 878574

    On vous attend en grand nombre!
    Jean Legault, Circé Malo-Lalande et Christian Dupuis.
    Comité Organisateur KEGS-Québec

    here for more info about this seminar.

    Check here for the full announcement of Bourse québécoise

    KEGS Foundation Update

    The full KEGS Foundation Update can be found here. Update includes:
    • Announcement of inaugural award of Bourse québécoise: Version française here
    • Presentation of Scholarship Awards
    • Bourse Québécoise: 5 à 7 event
    • Fundraising
    • Seeking Corporate Donations
    Additional details can be on the Foundation’s website

  • 25 Oct 2021 4:40 PM | Anonymous member

    Bringing together people and ideas for the love of geoscience

    ​Friday November 19, 2021

    1 pm to 4:30 pm Eastern, 10 am to 1:30 pm Pacific

    For more info and registration please click here

  • 25 Oct 2021 4:39 PM | Anonymous member

    Sander Geophysics (SGL) has permanent, full-time positions of Geophysicist/Data Analyst open. The position is most suitable for recently graduated or early career applicants. We would expect extensive international travel from the successful candidates. See the careers section of the SGL website,,  for more information. If interested and qualified, please send a resume to Be sure to include the job title in the subject line of the email.  We look forward to a gaggle of energetic, enthusiastic new employees to join our current staff of energetic, enthusiastic geophysicists!


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